Scott Dillon

Scott Dillon

Lead Superintendent
Personal MantraYou can be who you want to be – it’s your decision.
35 years experience
35 years experience
Values that drive me
Values that drive me
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
San Angelo, Texas
Favorite Charity
Favorite Charity
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Bucket List
Bucket List
  1. Visit Australia
  2. Own a 1967 Shelby Cobra
  3. Drive a 1967 Shelby Cobra

We asked Scott...

What is a problem in the Engineering & Construction Industry you'd like to fix?Technology is available to share information at lightning speed, which greatly improves downtime in construction. However, it still takes time to put in place quality work. This is often overlooked because of the speed of information.
What are you most passionate about personally? Professionally?Personally: Cooking. Professionally: Sharing knowledge and teaching young superintendents and engineers.
What is the accomplishment of which you're most proud?Construction of Allen Events Center - Completed ahead of schedule, no injuries to speak of, trade partners happy and wanted to work together again.
If I weren't so good at my job, I'd probably be...A chef.
What are you happiest doing when you're not working?Cooking and BBQ
If you really know me, you'd know...Sometimes when I start laughing, I cannot stop.
If you had a million dollars to give to a charity, who would you give it to and why?Make-A-Wish Foundation – kids who are sick deserve as much happiness as possible.